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Elkin-Alleghany Rail Trail
2 miles

Isaacs Trailhead to Carter Falls MST
2.5 miles

Carter Falls Trail
0.5 mile
Moderate (descent/ascent at base of Falls)

Grassy Creek Vineyard Trail
0.5 mile

Wells Knob Trail
2.5 miles

Stone Mountain Country Store / Sawyers’ Trail
2 miles

Carolina Heritage Trail MST
0.5 mile


Other Area Maps

Mountain Bike Trail Map

PDF: Elkin Valley Mountain Bike Trail Map

Birding Map of the Elkin-Alleghany Rail Trail

Elkin, NC Trails & Trail Heads (Elkin Trails Map)

While there are segments of trail that are walkable now, our local trails are in the development phase. We will provide maps as we are able to open up new segments. The Mountains to Sea Trail from Stone Mountain State Park to Elkin and then to Pilot Mountain is being walked by many thru-hikers now, but the route is a combination of road and trail. Please visit for MST route details.


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